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Low Auto Insurance – Which Car Models Are The Cheapest

Created Date
February 25, 2020

What to Consider When Purchasing A New Vehicle & Auto Insurance

The thought of buying your first car can be exciting but also lead to costly financial decisions. One of financial decision that can drain your pockets is choosing the wrong insurance. No one can drive without car insurance. You can however, minimize the expense by buying a vehicle that will attract low insurance charges. Remember, wise financial decisions are the key to a healthy wallet.

What Influences Insurance Rates?

Each insurer prices their auto policy differently for the cars they cover. However, there are several aspects that all insurers consider as they set the price for their auto insurance. When you know such factors, you can easily estimate the cost for a vehicle. You then can determine whether you will be able to afford to pay the respective premiums comfortably. Such factors include:

  • Drivers age, accident history and credit rating
  • Vehicle repair or replacement costs
  • Incidence or claims rate of the model in question
  • Gender, Location and Marital Status
  • Amount of coverage you opt for and discounts if they apply to you.

Which Models Attract Low Insurance Rates?

According to a recent survey of cars with the cheapest insurance rates for the year 2019, the following vehicles ranked as the top 10 cheapest:

  • Honda Odyssey LX with an average annual insurance rate of $1,298
  • Jeep Wrangler with an average annual insurance rate of $1, 304
  • Subaru Outback with an average annual insurance rate of $ 1,306
  • Mazda CX-3 with an average annual insurance rate of $ 1,307
  • Honda HR-V with an average annual insurance rate of $ 1,325
  • Honda CR-V with an average annual insurance rate of $1,333
  • Jeep Renegade with an average annual insurance rate of $1,338
  • Ford Escape with an average annual insurance rate of $1,344
  • Subaru Forester 2.5i with an average annual insurance rate of $1,347
  • Jeep Compass with an average annual insurance rate of $1,349
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Why Do These Models Attract Insurance Rates?

One of the common aspects of the cars which make the top 10 list of cheapest vehicles to insure is their average buying price. Most of them also tend to have cautious driver profiles.

Honda Odyssey which tops the list is a family-oriented minivan means that it is driven by people who have children. Children as passengers will cause drivers to be more cautious.

These vehicles are also rarely looked at as luxury vehicles. A classic example is the Jeep Wrangler, which is meant for off-roading. However, the repair costs are very cheap. Jeep doors, windshield, and roof can easily be swapped out when damaged.

Subaru vehicles are laden with security features that numerous insurers love because they reduce their accident rates. It is no surprise then that there were two Subaru vehicles amongst the top 10 cheapest vehicles to insure.

The 2019 Subaru Forester, for instance, comes with Eyesight Driver Assist technology, automatic pre-collision brakes, and lane maintenance features.

Mazda CX-3 which also on the list has numerous safety features. The Mazda features hill launch assist, blind spot monitoring, rear view cameras and curtain airbags.

Want to Pay Less in Insurance? Avoid the Following Vehicle Categories:

  • Sports Cars

They tend to attract some of the highest insurance premiums. Many people believe that sports cars are in fact speed machines. This alongside with young drivers loving sports cars, who can be speedy and reckless makes them very accident-prone.

  • High-End Luxury Vehicles

They are costlier to repair when damaged and even more expensive to replace if they are completely mangled during an accident.

  • Electric Vehicles

They are very expensive to repair, and their initial buying prices tend to be very high. Their spares, for instance, an EV battery, cost thousands of dollars.

  • Vehicles Highly Susceptible to Theft

Since insurance companies will pay you out if your vehicle is stolen, they also charge highly to insure the vehicles that are highly likely to be stolen or vandalized.

The decision to buy a new car is already a tasking financial investment. It may set you back but the monthly insurance charges can derail you forever. It is smarter to make a wise choice by purchasing a vehicle that is affordable to maintain.. The vehicles listed above are a great start if you are looking to make an economic decision. However, for the vehicles that have not been listed above, it is advisable to consult an auto expert and financial adviser to break down the costs. Remember, making a significant purchase will save you from flushing all your income down the expenses drain. Start your research now by using the tools provided on 


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